11 Indoor family Games to play during COVID-19
It’s trying times being stuck at home with the family all the time. But it’s also a wonderful opportunity to spend more time with the kids playing family games. Right now let’s make memories with our kids and families that are bright and happy.
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With a normal school and sports schedule, it’s hard to play board games on a normal weeknight. Now there is a little bit more time to try out different games. I’m sharing a list of games we have played and rated them as well. We’ve been having fun with a variety of indoor activities from Scrabble to the Perplexus Beast Ball. I also wrote a post of activities we do outside that are great for the family.
Family Games to play together
Catan, Build your empire to surpass the rest
Catan is such a fun game that was introduced to our family a few years ago by our dear friends. If you ever played the computer game Age of Empires, it reminds me of it. There are commodities such as brick, ore, sheep, wood, and hay. When you roll the dice of a number that you have a settlement near, you collect the commodity. Each player is racing to settle the Island. The first to 10 victory points by building roads and settlements wins. Bartering is a strong skill in the game as it can make all the difference in winning. I do love the bartering part as I know it’s a great life skill. This is one of our favorite games to play as a family!

Catan rating: Family fun: 9 1/2 Time to play: 60-120 min. Age: 10+ # players: 3-4 Max has been playing Catan with us since he was 8 and we just help him. But now he can do it on his own.
Scrabble, Can you create the longest word?
We played Scrabble the other night as a family for the first time. I was shocked at how much fun we had, and we did exceptionally better then I thought we would. Max who is still learning new words every day, had a strong lead ahead of us. But Eliana ended up winning as she got rid of her tiles before us and gained points off all of our tiles.
Scrabble rating: Family fun: 7 Time to play: 60-90 min. Age: 8+ # players: 2-4
The Game of Life!
For some reason, Life is one of Max’s favorite games and Cody’s least favorite games. I kinda chuckle at that. When I was a kid, Life was one of my favorite games as well. I think it was the feeling of being an adult and making big life decisions while playing the game. Driving my car around, choosing to go to College and adding kids to my car was the thrill of it all. Max has a different rating than us others so I will put that as a separate rating. Maximus rates the game Life at a 9.
Life rating: Family fun: 4 Time to play: 30-60 Age: 8+ # players: 2-6
Mille Bornes, Speeding down the highway
We discovered Mille Bornes while on a 6-week housesit in Rigby, Idaho. None of us had seen or heard of it before. Once we played tho, we all loved the race to One Thousand milestones. Mille Bornes is a classic card game of cross-country racing, challenging you to outrace your opponents as you dodge the hazards they put in your way. Firetrucks, mile markers, and accident cards are just a few of the cards you play with.
Mille Bornes rating: Family fun:9 Time to play: 45 Age: 8+ # players: 2-6
Monopoly Deal and Monopoly
Monopoly has always been a family favorite in our house. While traveling we discovered Monopoly Deal at the housesit in Idaho. For a few weeks, Cody would not play the card game of monopoly deal. Then one day he succumbed. And he liked it. It’s so much quicker than the original game. At the start, it took about 45 minutes to play. But before leaving our housesit we were playing the game in 15 minutes. Monopoly Deal is the card version of the classic Monopoly game. You collect sets of properties with different colors. Steal properties, charge rent and see who can collect 3 full property sets first to win.

Monopoly Deal rating: Family fun: 8 Time to play: 15-30 min. Age: 8+ # players: 2-6
Monopoly, How many monopolies can you own?

I feel everybody has played monopoly so you know the gist of buying, selling and trading your way around the board. It’s a big favorite in our house and we can’t wait to add it to our stock of games. But for now, Max has borrowed it from his Aunt and plays any chance he can get one of us to join him.

Monopoly rating: Family fun: 9.5 Time to play: 60-90 Age: 8+ # players: 2-6
UNO The Classic family card game
UNO is such a classic game and has been around for as long as I can remember. We don’t play it all the time. But sometimes it’s fun to bring back and play a quick game and see who remembers to yell UNO!
UNO rating: Family fun: 5 Time to play: 20-90 Age: 7+ # players: 2-6
Family Games for two or less
Stratego, capture your opponent’s flag and protect your own
The classic game of one on one strategy. How strong can you build and line up your fortress to protect your flag? Playing Stratego takes thought and planning before you even start. Set your generals, scouts, spy, and bombs in the best spots to protect your flag. It’s a game Cody and I played as kids and still play with our kids to this day. Actually, Max played with my mom the other night.
Stratego rating: Family fun: 9 Time to play: 45 Age: 7+ # players: 2

Blink, the fastest card game ever
Max just got Blink for his birthday last month. It’s a fun game that you play with two players at a very fast speed. You have to use your brain but only for a few minutes. I like the fast pace, also I love how you can play the game in less than 5 minutes. Blink is the game of fast matching and sharp observation! Without taking turns, two players race one another to see who can match the shape, color, or count on their cards to either one of two discard piles. The first person to play all the cards from their draw pile wins.

BLINK rating: Family fun: 6.5 Time to play: 5 min. Age: 7+. # players: 2 Max and I love this game, it’s fast but you have to use your brain and hand-eye coordination. Eliana and Cody rated it lower and don’t like it at all.
Perplexus Beast Ball, Easy to play, Hard to master
To say this ball is a CHALLENGE is an understatement! Not one of us has finished it yet, but Eliana has gotten the closest to 100. You hold the big ball and move it around slowly moving the little ball inside along a track that is numbered from 1-100. It takes patience and some skill. You can take turns and challenge each other seeing who can make it to a higher number. I recommend getting one of these Perlexus balls as they are great to have around and are fun to do.

Perplesux Ball rating: Family fun:7.5 Time to play: 5-30 min. Age: 8+ # players: 1
Smart games, endless puzzles to brain tease
I love smart games, We have the IQ Puzzler Pro. We have all tried our hand at it over the years and its definitely a brain teaser. I have to think out of the box. Max and Eliana enjoy playing it too. We have traveled with it as well as its compact. The top of the game board features a grid for 2D challenges and a separate grid for 3D pyramid challenges, while the bottom of the board features a completely different 2D challenge grid.
It comes in a small box holding all the puzzle pieces that latches closed. Before we traveled I would grab it and throw it into my purse when we went to restaurants or out to the store. It’s only slightly bigger than a cell phone so perfect to play anywhere. A little tip: We put the pieces in the lid when playing and putting the puzzles together.
IQ Puzzler Pro rating: Family fun:7.5 Time to play: 5-20 Age: 6+ # players: 1
Comment below the games you have and play. I would love to hear any games you play as a family. We are always looking for fun new ideas.
Awesome, great breakdown of the games. I will check some of these out for sure.
Cool! We’ve had lots of fun playing games and it’s a great way to spend time with the family.